Friday, November 04, 2005
About Me
- Name: H
- Location: philadelphia, pa
I am a second year medical student at Jefferson Medical College and I am studying for step 1 of my medical boards. my goal is to write a blog post about something I am learning every day, to help me solidify my knowledge.
Previous Posts
- cover it with gas and set it on fiaaaah
- it's just the old man with a sword in me
- the lab at our old office going away party.
- the wait of the world
- ahh, perspective
- enough with the weight crap
- take her to the squeezing room
- talkin to the fatties
- man do I look tired
- this little light of mine, I'm gonna let it friggi...
Gah! blogspammers going self-referential! Have they no sense of irony?
I'm a (somewhat inept) xing-yi/ba gua/formerly shaolin practitioner. Married to a neuroscientist, so I sympathize with your grad school quest, at least from the periphery. You make me want to say hang in there and keep not settling for comfortable mediocrity!
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